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DD Radost, o.p.s.
DD Radost, o.p.s.


deti1.jpgThe socially useful company Radost was founded on the 1st of May 2001 and was incorporated by the Municipal Court on the 15th of August 2001.

The objective of the company is to build a family-type children´s home in Prague. The home is supposed to shelter 16 children from the age of 3 until they are able to work.

Main objectives are:

  • to create a family atmosphere so that the children can indulge themselves in the activities adequate to their age and needs and providing enough privacy and space for leisure activities, create an atmosphere where children can feel comfortable

  • to help children get over their problems and sadness after they arrive; develop in children a sense of awareness in their own values, self-respect and develop their capacities

  • to enable contact with other children, build a relationship of confidence between each child and caretaker

  • teach children not only to adapt to others but also to assert themselves

  • emphasis is put on the awareness of the rules of everyday life as well as involvement in everyday activities commonly done in the family (cleaning, cooking, shopping, handiwork etc.

  • cooperation from outside persons who will play the role of absent family members – aunts, uncles, grandmas, grandpas, friends

  • enable children to take part in interest groups and other events organised outside the home and, at the same time, provide the home with facilities for leisure activities available to other children as well

We take care of children even after they leave the children´s home. On the grounds of the home there´ll be rooms for those who will have already started their own life.

The home is intended for:

  • children who can´t be legally adopted or fostered and who spend most of their childhood in the home

  • siblings groups

  • children who find themselves in a difficult situation and need care and refuge for a certain period of time (asylum facilities)

Caretaker´s personality

People who´ll be in charge of children and their education must have a positive attitude towards them, give them love and make them feel comfortable, not humiliated. They should respect children´s personalities, talk with them, listen to them, support them and have a natural authority.


Evrpská unie

Ministerstvo pro místní rozvoj


Centrum pro regionální rozvoj

Tabaluga Kinderstiftung

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